Thursday, December 28, 2017


I haven't written on this blog for a long time. Things were pretty much status quo , and although we were seeing decline, nothing really worth writing about.
That changed with a phone call from the Oakwood nursing staff (it's never a good thing to get a call from Oakwood...I get a sick feeling just seeing the caller ID.)
My mother has been losing a significant amount of weight as she is sleeping more and eating less. The recommendation was to have her evaluated by hospice in the hope of giving her some extra personalized care.
We haven't been in denial, we know that this disease does not get better...but still the word "hospice" gave me a start! That evaluation will happen next week.

What has surprised me is how emotional I am with this new development.
Most likely this was my mother's last Christmas, and the journey could be approaching the end.
I've grieved the loss of my mother for many years.
The way I now choke up and have lots of teary moments... unexpected.

So much to learn...
knowledge that is painful...
one step at a time...

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, I had the same unexpected teary moments when the Hospice nurse called and said in palliative care we should go right to Hospice. While that was hard, it was the best support we could have had. Amy was ahead of me in this journey with her dad and we talked almost every morning about what had happened with Mom and it helped to know what someone else had experienced. So if you need to talk about these steps in the journey please let me know. You were so supportive of me when we began the dementia journey. - Robin
